I just read an article on China in this edition of National Geographic. That country is in the throes of a “…sharp population drop.” The simplest remedy, according to the author, in the short term at least, is to increase immigration. China currently has one of the lowest immigration rates in the world. However, the country, apparently, wants to keep it that way. Conversely, the article noted that Beijing is pursuing three options: raising the retirement age; raising the birthrate; and raising productivity. The retirement age for women in China is currently 55, and 60 for men. To counteract a dwindling workforce, again according to the article, Beijing is relying on increased education and high technology, including robots eventually stepping in for 240 million workers to counter declining population. What’s more, local governments in China are now pushing for a three-child-policy, and providing incentives for this in the form of tax cuts, housing subsidies, expanded childcare services…
The issue of abortion came up during the debate last night… My response: My stance is totally in line with the teaching of the Catholic Church. The Catholic Catechism teaches all abortion is “murder.” The Catholic Church is, for instance, diametrically opposed to IVF, because a number of embryos get killed in that process. The Catholic Church is against abortion, even in the case of rape and incest. It is against abortion from conception, on. Period. Aligning oneself with any of this, is putting your soul in jeopardy, for eternity. Kamala’s stance on this? A ticket to Hell. Trump’s current stance on this? Quite spiritually dicey as well. Note: The following is our position paper on abortion.
I just wrote the fifth of a series of articles about Ray Brown. He graduated from Ohio’s Alger High School, close by here, in the mid-1920’s. He played baseball there. Brown then went on to play for the Pittsburgh Grays in the Negro League for 19 years. And, except for Satchel Paige, Brown was, decidedly, the best pitcher in the league. So good, in fact, that he was one of just 33 Black players who have been inducted into Cooperstown’s Major League Baseball Hall of Fame. *After years of not being publicly recognized in the tiny village of Alger, a local college history professor, David Strittmatter, marshalled a project to get Brown recognized in a big way. Ohio Northern University okayed a grant to have a Ray Brown mural done. It will be installed at the Alger baseball park. A park that will be renamed the “Ray Brown Memorial Park.” The professor also got the okay for an Ohio Historical Marker, featuring Mr. Brown, to go in at the park. Etc., etc., etc… Professor Strittmatter, when he, several years ago, learned that there was no public recognition for Brown, simply said “…that’s not right.” Then he made it right.
Hiroshima after the atomic bomb …britanica.com photo
While doing some house painting today, as I sometimes do, I was listening to a documentary. This one was on the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, including the last stages of WW II leading up to the bombing. Tragic irony would best describe this. The Blessed Virgin Mary had appeared to three children in Fatima, Portugal in 1917 (which has become a Catholic Church approved apparition). Mary said to the children that if mankind didn’t stop “offending God,” there would be a second World War that would be a “punishment” from God. Man didn’t stop offending God, through apparently significant sin behavior, and as a result, World War II happened.
On Sept. 2, 1945, after two atomic bombs had been dropped on Japan, a peace treaty was signed on the U.S. battleship The Missouri. U.S. Supreme Commander General McArthur said at the signing: “We pray that peace be now restored to the world, and God will preserve it always.” The irony, of course, being: It was the collective sin behavior of the world that led to the war. And if we keep offending God, one can only imagine that we will open the door to WW III. It’s not about God “…preserving the peace,” it’s about us ‘preserving’ it by how we live. And it gets more ironic. At the time, President Truman said: “When you have to deal with a beast (Hitler, etc.), you have to treat him as a beast.” Satan is portrayed as a “beast” in the Bible. It was Americans, British, Germans, Japanese, etc., etc., etc… whose beast-like (sin) behavior brought this all on. For Truman to point fingers, especially given America was a part of this whole beast equation, is laughable. And here’s what’s even more laughable…
The documentary ended showing a scene of U.S. President Barack Obama visiting the Hiroshima Memorial Peace Park years later. In part of a speech there, he said that this Hiroshima Park should not be a remembrance of “…the dawn of atomic warfare; but rather the start of our moral awakening.” Obama, as just one example of HUGE sin behavior, is for the killing of babies in their mothers’ wombs. And, consequently, he could well be a big player in the onset of World War III. Mother Theresa: “Abortion can lead to nuclear holocaust.” Ironies all around, huh.
July 25th is International IVF Day. Both the Democrat and Republican platforms expressly say IVF is okay. It’s not. According to the Catholic Church, IFV is serious sin (…with eternal ramifications). It is unacceptable, because it separates the marital act from procreation, and establishes the domination of technology over human life. What’s more, in this procedure, often multiple embryos are created, then discarded of. These are babies. This is “murder,” according to the Catholic catechism, in regard to abortion at any stage of development, including the embryonic stage.
Children International Summer Village photo taken in Mongolia, 1996
I recently interviewed a former teacher who was involved with what is called “Children’s International Summer Villages.” He’s been all over the world with the program. The essence of the program is that each “village team” is composed of four children (two boys and two girls) and one “adult leader.” And each of the 12 teams are from 12 different countries. The children are generally 11-years-old. They live together in a designated campground/village for a four-week-period. (It’s in a different country each year.) There are multiple activities designed to establish camaraderie. The teacher said the children learn that, no matter what the nationality, no matter what the language, there are, indeed, all kinds of commonalities. It is the essence of “building peace,” the teacher said. Note: Our administration would get behind programs like this, in spades, through one, of many, of our U.S. Department of Peace initiatives. Note 2: The day I’m entering this, a CBS News story noted that it was a record breaking 120 degrees in Las Vegas, “sin city,” the meteorologist added. A ‘warm up’ for people who are buying into this ‘sin’ paradigm, not just in Vegas, but all across the country these days? During our earlier campaign travels, we came across a marquee in front of a Baptist Church in Alabama, in August. It read: “You think it’s hot here…”
Fascinating. I recently wrote a newspaper article about this cabin. It sits on skids in the backyard of a local couple’s place. They live in a modest, two-bedroom house about 25 yards from the cabin. They use it for “staycations.” That is, if they want to “get away,” they head out to the cabin for a day, or two, or more… They watch TV, read books, relax on the porch… The cabin was built in Amish country in Indiana, then trucked here. Because it is not hooked into water (they simply use the house for water, although they are about to put a free-standing chemical toilet in), and just, again, sits on skids, its zoned the same way a shed would be, including no additional taxes, or zoning requirements, and such. What’s more, when people visit, it’s turned into a relatively cute B&B. The cabin cost $10,000, delivered. Note: I couldn’t help but think that, social justice wise, something like this could be a great, temporary place for, say, immigrants trying to get a foothold in this country — as a temporary, transition place, or longer. We could get a lot more creative in this country, helping people trying to flee extreme poverty, violence, and so on, in other countries. The Beatitudes: “…shelter the homeless.” Our position paper on foreign relations is replete with creative ways to tangibly help “foreigners.”
It’s “Juneteenth.” A holiday to commemorate the emancipation from slavery. Yet slavery persists, to this day. For instance, many Black youth are ‘slaves’ to transgenerational poverty loops in our inner cities. Our family moved to a hardscrabble area of Cleveland (just adjacent to the inner city) to do outreach into the neighborhood with a group of Catholic Workers. We saw the poverty first-hand. We saw how kids are trapped down there. My wife and I coached some Rec. Center teams made up of, primarily, “latch key kids.” We helped with a community garden for neighborhood kids. We volunteered at a Drop-In Center for kids, and adults, alike. Our position paper on “Black Amends,” calls for, among other things, a Marshall Plan to rebuild our urban cores and inspire others more well off to move back into these inner cities to live in solidarity with the poor, helping them to get a leg up on the slavery of poverty… In the last couple weeks: I covered a graduation ceremony where a coach, who was the keynote speaker, told the graduates that it was “extremely important” to be good team players in life… I also covered a local council meeting where there was discussion about adding a couple more tornado sirens (there’s just one currently) to the town — because residents were complaining that on “breezy days,” it was hard to hear the current one on the outskirts of town. “Breezy days.” Uh… I love small town council meetings.
In my ongoing research on the environment, I was just reading part of an article in this National Geographic Magazine edition on various strategies to curb global warming. Klaus Lackner is a physicist with the Center for Negative Carbon Emissions at Arizona State University. He’s experimenting with “…three story tall, carbon sucking, filtering and storing devices.” He colloquially calls them: “mechanical trees.” He says they work, and Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act (signed in 2022) provides billions of dollars, potentially, to companies working on “…direct air [carbon] capture technology.” Lackner noted that, recently, some $1.2 billion from this federal fund was awarded to plants in Texas and Louisiana, which are building “direct air [carbon] capture plants.” I couldn’t help thinking, yeah, okay… but what about planting more non-mechanical trees, too? And what about, collectively, as a nation, developing much more of a [carbon] conservation mind-set, and…? Common [carbon] sense. Note: For more on our campaign’s take on energy/global warming/et. Al…, *see.
The other night, our village high school held their Baccalaureate. It was small town (spiritual) Americana at its finest. Some students gave their testimonies, thanking God, their parents, their classmates… for help along their walk all these years in the village. Part of the high school choir led a number of modern Christian songs (*see photo), as they stood on the sidewalk in front of the Youth For Christ campus, which is just across the street from the high school. (*What a blessing that place had been in many of their walks.) It was a tremendously moving event, and I had to believe God was smiling down on it all that night. And speaking of spirituality… I wrote a newspaper article recently about the opening of a Johnny Appleseed Museum/Education Center in nearby Urbana College. They have more Johnny Appleseed memorabilia there, than anywhere else in the country — including his Bible. You see, Johnny was planting two kinds of seeds. Apple seeds. Faith seeds. Besides his strong environmental stewardship bent, he was also a Christian evangelist in general, who regularly talked and passed out literature along the way. This year marks the 250th year since his birth. Note: For more on our take on the environment, see…