Oracle Headquarters
Trump announced yesterday that three absolute tech giants were combining to invest $500 billion for AI (physical and virtual) infrastructure in America, so this country could lead the world in AI development. One of the CEO’s at the announcement said AI promises to bring with it a “super-intelligence” that will, ultimately, solve many of today’s problems. Question: Has anyone stopped to do prayerful discernment to see if this AI Revolution is what God wants? That’s what the Amish do before accepting a new technology. They pray and discern if the technology will hurt their relationship with God, with their family, with their community… We, so often, rush madly forward, and call it “progress.” People “…back in the day,” had the technological smarts/architectural know-how to build the “Tower of Babel.” But even though they had that, that’s not what God wanted. Concurrently, our hubris is starting to “play God” with this artificial intelligence (read: “super-intelligence”). A pseudo-Wizard of Oz intelligence (the BIG oracle behind the curtain, if you will) that could well usurp our need for God — in a perceived sense. In fact, if you squint at the photo above, some of those Oracle Co. towers in Texas, might even look like ‘Babel Towers.’ Just sayin.’ Note: Maybe this AI development is, in fact, God’s will. Maybe it’s not. Our mistake? We’re not actually asking God about it, rather just Googling the next thing. And therein might lie the answer. Note 2: As (providential) coincidence would have it, I turned the Bible, at random, to Jeremiah 21: 11-14. Sub-chapter title: “Oracles Regarding the Kings.” [There’s that “oracle” thing again.] The Cliff note is God warns the society to “dispense justice, rescuing the oppressed from the hand of the oppressor.” Or God says “…my fury will break out like fire.” Later, in verse 14: “I will punish you, oracle of the Lord, as your deeds deserve! I will kindle a fire in its forest that shall devour all its surroundings.” Translated, I believe: If the society spiritually screws up in regard to being the right kind of “oracle” for the Lord, well, fire will ensue — physically and spiritually (Hell). So, America was once considered a “City on a Hill,” an “oracle,” if you will, for solid, moral Christianity. Now, much of it is just the opposite. And what’s more, the decadence is being beamed all over the world — from Hollywood/LA. Then came the fire(s).