Inaugural Lunch
During his Inaugural Address today, Trump said he was going to return America to a “Golden Age.” What’s more, he said that he believed that, not only did he have a “mandate” from the people, but he had a mandate from God. Okay… I just interviewed a local pastor who did a 10-Day-Missions-Trip to Cuba. He said Havana, and the surrounding countryside, were replete with abject poverty. People there, he continued, subsisted on meager portions of rice and beans each day, and little else. (*And this is not to mention the 24,000 people who starve to death worldwide every day. UN figure.) So, let’s start with the Inaugural Lunch today. A gourmet offering of angus beef, crab cakes, potatoes au gratin, and a fancy apple dessert. So, would indulging ourselves lifestyle wise in the First World, while there is so much potentially relievable suffering in the Third World, be spiritually indicative of the “Golden Age,” or, well, indicative of worshipping the “Golden Calf”? Anyone with even a modicum of “common sense” understanding of the Gospel message, would understand (…just for starters) that this gourmet lunch wouldn’t square with part of God’s “mandate.” *That meal should have been rice and beans, with the savings going to humanitarian outreach efforts. That simple. That spiritual.