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Our Bible Study last night looked at Isaiah: 31. The cliff note is God tells the Israelites He’s going to protect them supernaturally against the formidable Assyrian Army, but the Israelites collectively don’t trust and look for help from the Egyptians. God, in turn, says to them: “What sorrow awaits those who look to Egypt for help, trusting their horses, chariots, and charioteers, and depending on the strength of human armies, instead of looking to the Lord, the Holy One of Isreal…” And later: “The Assyrians will be destroyed, but not by the swords of men. The sword of God will strike them, and they will panic and flee.” And that’s exactly what happens… Modern day corollary: In our travels, I met Fr. Tom McCaslin, who was the Social Action Coordinator for the Omaha, Nebraska Diocese at the time. He said that America spends $50 billion just maintaining its nuclear arsenal each year, while meanwhile around the world, 24,000 people starve to death each day, and some two billion people don’t have access to clean drinking water and live in deplorable slum conditions. The priest continued that America should unilaterally disarm its nuclear weapons, take the massive savings and help the poor worldwide. “We should do the right thing, and trust God,” he said. [*Instead of relying on the modern-day chariots (nuclear missiles), well, you get the point.] “America First,” as a sound spiritual principle? Hardly. For more on our Foreign Policy, see…