During at talk to a Political Science Class at Baldwin Wallace College earlier in the week, I said our lifestyles are such that the U.S. emits 25% of the world’s carbon dioxide (the most of any country). And according … Continue reading →
During at talk to a Political Science Class at Baldwin Wallace College earlier in the week, I said our lifestyles are such that the U.S. emits 25% of the world’s carbon dioxide (the most of any country). And according … Continue reading →
My wife Liz and I attended a Bible Study at the Catholic Worker house in Cleveland. We’ve been studying the book: Sabbath Economics: Household Practices. Liz and I were asked to summarize the chapter on Solidarity. In part … Continue reading →
I gave a talk tonight to a Political Science Class at Baldwin Wallace College in Berea, Ohio. Professor Tom Sutton said as Franklin Delanore Roosevelt asked the country to sacrifice during war time, the professor said he is personally … Continue reading →
We attended a “Fair Trade Party” at Beth and Al Mancuso’s place in Cleveland. They were selling fair trade goods and food, coffee, tea, etc… from Third World countries. The intent is to help the poor in, say, … Continue reading →
Thanksgiving Reflection: We had Thanksgiving Dinner at the Catholic Worker House among the poor and homeless of Cleveland (currently the poorest city in the country). The camarderie, and grace, this evening was palpable. The turkey wasn’t bad either… … Continue reading →
We are moving into the Christmas season and many people in America will spend all kinds of time and money shopping for Christmas presents for people who, in most cases, already have more than enough. Meanwhile, famine sweeps through … Continue reading →
The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change just released their final report (over a five year study) on Climate Change. The NY Times reported it is, by far, the most alarming report, indicating we could be looking at … Continue reading →
The NY Times carried a front page story on Delray Beach, Fla., which they dubbed: “The Oasis of Sobriety.” The reason for this is because of Delray’s “compact geography and critical mass of recovering people.” There are recovering … Continue reading →
My wife Liz and I are coaching a Rec. Center indoor soccer team for the next six weeks in Cleveland. The Comets. We had our first game last night. It was a spirited match, with kids (mostly … Continue reading →
My family and I attended a “Native American Culture Class” at Trinity Church in Cleveland tonight. It was sponsored by the American Indian Education Center here. The Center’s Sheldon Glave said it is essential people understand the true … Continue reading →