
Met with a group of Catholic Workers on Cleveland’s near west side who recenly staged a rather fascinating protest. (The Catholic Workers here have a “House of Hospitality” for the homeless in the city.) For the grand opening of an … Continue reading


Talked with Meagan Kresge today on Cleveland’s near westside. She is a staunch anti-nuclear activist who traveled to Japan last year to participate in an International Walk for Peace in Hiroshima and Nagasaki on the 59th anniversary of the atomic … Continue reading


Played baseball with our Joseph, 7, in a rather wide alley near our place close to Cleveland’s inner city. While throwing him some grounders, the ball skirted over broken glass and took all kinds of hops on the gravel. Joseph, … Continue reading


Talked with archtect Paul Kapczuk Jr. about “affordable housing” initiatives in Cleveland. Mr. Kapczuk said the Cuyahoga Count Community Land Trust buys properties throughout the city, helps rehab them, then offers them at affordable prices to relatively low income people … Continue reading