We have launched on our final tour of Campaign 2008… In Amherst, Ohio, a barber named Ariel at the Olde Time Barber Shop told me he drives a $500 car and his wife drives a $1,000 car… “so … Continue reading →
We have launched on our final tour of Campaign 2008… In Amherst, Ohio, a barber named Ariel at the Olde Time Barber Shop told me he drives a $500 car and his wife drives a $1,000 car… “so … Continue reading →
Russia is escalating it’s assault on bordering Georgia, at the time of this writing. The New York Times reports that Georgia serves as a major conduit for oil flowing from Russia and Central Asia to the West. So … Continue reading →
Each of the major candidates have position papers on crime. We have a position paper on crime as well. And the following is a take on our paradigm around crime: National Public Radio did a piece the other … Continue reading →
There has been talk this week by both major candidates about energy policies… Our energy policy calls for, among other things, a dramatic shift to much more sacrifice and the development of renewable energy technologies, I said at … Continue reading →
*Important: We’re moving into the final phase of our “2008 Ohio Strategy.” ***And we need supporters in the state, and outside, to e-mail supportive letters-to-the-editor about our campaign to as many Ohio newspapers as possible. (Go to … Continue reading →
Iran did some missile tests last week and, in turn, the United States ramped up it’s rhetoric against them. We don’t want Iran to have nuclear weapons capability. Yet we have nuclear weapons aimed all over the world, … Continue reading →
Our vice-presidential candidate, Dale Way, was interviewed by the South Bend (IN) Tribune last week. In the article, Dale noted that our campaign takes projects we’ve researched across the country and promotes them on our travels elsewhere. For … Continue reading →
Buckeye Back Road Tour cont.: We were interviewed by NBC News ABC News (both out of Toledo) last week. The NBC reporter asked about our Green Party bumper sticker… The reason I attempted to vie for the … Continue reading →
Buckeye Back Road Tour cont: I gave a talk to a prayer group at Sacred Heart Church in Fremont, Ohio, last night. Part of the focus was about getting more help to people in the Third World. … Continue reading →
During our pit stop back home in Cleveland, I painted a room in a neighbor’s home that they set aside for foster children. This couple is involved with the Catholic Worker outreach to the poor here. They aggressively … Continue reading →